Mount Kenya National Park, located in central Kenya, encompasses Mount Kenya, the country’s highest peak at 5,199 meters. The park covers an area of 715 square kilometers and is a UNESCO World Heritage site due to its outstanding natural beauty and ecological significance. The mountain features diverse habitats, from alpine meadows and bamboo forests to glaciers and rocky peaks. Wildlife in the park includes elephants, buffaloes, leopards, and unique species such as the Mount Kenya hyrax and the high-altitude sunbird. The park is also a critical water catchment area, providing water to millions of people.

Climbing Mount Kenya is a major draw for visitors, with several routes leading to the main peaks of Batian, Nelion, and Point Lenana. Point Lenana, the third highest peak, is popular among trekkers for its relatively accessible climb compared to the technical ascents of Batian and Nelion. The park offers stunning scenery, including pristine glaciers, clear mountain lakes, and dense forests. Besides climbing, visitors can engage in activities like camping, bird watching, and game viewing. Mount Kenya National Park provides a unique blend of adventure, natural beauty, and rich biodiversity.